ColPac Cold Therapy Packs

Product Attributes

3″ x 11″, Eye, Half Size, Neck Contour, Oversize, Quarter Size, Standard Size

ColPac® Cold Therapy packs are a great solution for emergency treatment of acute injuries and are filled with a nontoxic silica gel that maintains pliability during and after use.

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ColPac® Cold Therapy packs are the ideal solution when you need cold therapy. The packs contain a non-toxic silica gel that will maintain pliability during use and will not turn solid after use. This helps them to conform to all areas of your body. This includes contoured areas like ankles, elbows or knees.

They are the perfect solution for emergency treatment of acute injuries. The packs function by reducing your metabolism. This results in less blood flow to the injured area.

For best results, apply 20-30 minutes of treatment every 2-3 hours.  Continue over a period of 2-3 days or until there is no more bleeding. At this point, you should switch to longer term treatments.

Avoid applying the ColPac® Cold Therapy packs to open wounds or to areas with poor blood circulation. We also suggest that you exercise caution in applying the packs near any areas where you are experiencing reduced feeling. Always place a hand towel between your bare skin and the ColPac®.  Doing so reduces the initial shock you will experience.

Do not try to sleep or lie on the ColPac®. In addition, avoid applying it for periods of more than half an hour (30 minutes) at a time.

ColPac® Cold Therapy packs come with a one year warranty. They come in seven (7)  blue vinyl sizes and four(4) black polyurethane sizes.

Application Instructions:

-For initial chilling of the cold therapy pack, place it flat in the chilling unit or freezer for two hours. Do not chill the ColPac® below 0 ºF.
-Remove the pack from the freezer or chilling unit and apply it to the area being treated. Take care to place a hand towel between your patient's skin and the ColPac®.
- Treatments should not go beyond 30 minutes at a time.


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