Endura Sports Tape

Product Attributes
Latex Free?




Product Dimensions

1.5″ x 15 yds

Sold By Remain in the Game
*Recommended for: ,

Endura sports tape is a rigid rayon backed strapping tape that uses a  zinc oxide based adhesive. It is designed for patellofemoral taping and treatment of lower body or shoulder injuries using techniques developed by Australian physiotherapist Jenny McConnell. Endura is comparable to other rigid strapping tapes like LeukoTape or DynaPro Rigid Athletic Tape.  However Rigid Athletic Tape is a latex free product, whereas Endura and LeukoTape both contain latex.

Endura tape is water resistant for added durability. It also retains its texture in cold temperatures, making tape jobs that use it even longer lasting.

Endura is sold by the roll or by the pack of 3 rolls. Each roll with dimensions 1.5″ x 15 yds.

Endura Sports Tape – Indications

  • Strains and Sprains
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries;


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